Saturday, May 23, 2009

Before I Go

Well, I have to be on a train to Chicago in roughly 9 hours, en route to London, England to spend the next two months of my life there. This is my second time being in London but the last time was 7 years ago and I had my parents and sister with me. Now, I am going all alone. I know no one on the trip, no friends, no family, international travel, life in a foreign country, and my first real world theater work experience. This is a little daunting especially for someone as shy and passive as myself. I am really, really excited but also slightly terrified and anxious. I feel this is entirely appropriate but I'm still biting the inside of my lips raw.

I have decided to commit to this blog a few summer goals, some of which have to do with my trip and others that don't. This will either motivate me to accomplish them or be an embarrassing show of my failure. I hope the former rather than the latter.

1. Stop biting the inside of my lip
2. Beat my dependency on daily diet soda
3. Make friends despite my socially fearful nature
4. Go for a jog/walk in Hyde Park every day that I am not touring
5. Take full advantage of my 18 days working at Battersea Arts Centre
6. Try new foods that I ordinarily wouldn't, especially British Isles specialties
7. Acquire a working knowledge of British slang much like Australian last summer
8. Go to Paris, Dublin, Cornwall, and Chawton
9. Keep a private journal in addition to this blog
10. Have the time of my life

10 seems like a nice number doesn't it? Well I have dreamed of studying abroad in London basically since I left 7 years ago and now my dream is coming true. Only Hannah knows how it will all go from here. I'll be writing next time from London, cheerio till then mates.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hail Hannah, full of food, make sure Caty has a great trip :)