Friday, June 19, 2009

Back to the Grind

Work days, oh work days, what to say about my work days? Wednesday was like any other day except for an interesting conversation I had with one of my co-workers. Basically he told me that this was the worst time for me to be at the BAC because no shows are going on, no one at the BAC has time to teach me anything, and it is just overall not a good place to put interns. Oh goody. Thanks for that. Really made the rest of the day feel great let me tell you. Thank goodness I got to leave early for class. Class was all about different management models and so on and then we watched an episode of the UK version of The Apprentice. Apparently everything you ever need to learn can be taught through a reality show as this is the second class where we have watched one. I am waiting for Paris Hilton's British BFF to come up on the schedule to teach us about British-American relations or something. As is our after class tradition, we went out to a pub, more specifically the Prince Albert, scene of my infamous Aussie run in. Luckily, this time there was no such activity. I discovered a great love for Pimm's, a liquor mixed with Sprite with slices of fresh citrus fruits added in. SO FREAKIN' DELICIOUS. I had like four glasses from our two pitchers. We got to playing Truth or Dare somehow and Lindsay was dared to talk to this balding man at the bar. He ended up being an extremely friendly and drunk Italian man who went on about how Lindsay was his favorite name and how sexy we all were. That was slightly awkward so we extricated ourselves back to Palace Court.

My grocery trip on Thursday was made a little more thrilling by the discovery of a 1.78 2 litre bottle of hard cider. I am in love with hard cider and now for much less than the price of a pint at a pub, I now have 2 litres. Being of legal drinking age here is awesome. Work was spent in setting up for the youth rehearsal I stage manage for and then the rehearsal itself. The kids were surprisingly more focused today so I didn't want to kill them quite as much as I usually do. However, the show doesn't seem to be any closer to being ready to rehearse than two weeks ago when I started, so once again I was pretty useless to the whole preceding besides setting up and taking down the equipment. Speaking of, when I was taking down the projection screen and putting it up, this other group came in to the space to rehearse. They all looked at me like I was some kind of obnoxious intruder who had no business being there and their directors asked me if I could move all the stuff. As if that wasn't exactly what I was trying to do anyway. They continued to look annoyed until I finally got everything out. Sorry if my cleaning up so you can work in a clear space is getting in the way but I think you would prefer I do that rather than leave it all there and not make any noise. Ugh, theatre people. (Yes, I see the irony in that statement)

Today was an extraordinarily light day. The only job I did in the morning was help my manager for the day, Rob, put up some drapes to black out a dressing room. This particular performance group had a large selection of food in the dressing room: biscuits, croissants, brownies, chips, Ritz crackers, fruit, etc. It was just Rob and I so Rob says "Do you think it would be wrong of me to steal a croissant?" and I replied "I was thinking the same exact thing." So job completed we nipped a bit of food from them and then stole down to the tech office (pictured above) to enjoy our spoils before they could find out. Sh, don't tell anyone. My afternoon was spent up many a ladder. I had to take down four drapes in the Grand Hall which meant going to the top of a very tall and rickety ladder that kept oscillating and making me fear for my life and limbs. I also got mocked by Rob and Matt for being concerned about breaking my nails untying knots but really I was concerned about it being painful, not the aesthetic of it. Easy to pick on the only girl in a boy's club. Jerks. Rob and I then put up some banners outside the building which brought us to about 5 and Rob sent me home early due to their not really being much to do, as had been the case the whole day. I took it as a good sign of things to come for this weekend.

I am leaving early in the morning for Penzance (yes, as in the Pirates of) to spend a peaceful weekend hiking along cliffs and lazing on beaches before I have to come back and really buckle down on the evil academic project. It is the first time I will be holidaying by myself and I will be in a hostel dorm, so I am a little uneasy about it all. Knock on wood and Drew, but I think I can handle myself for three days and two nights. I hope you are all breathlessly awaiting my return to regale you with my stories and photographs.

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