Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Calm Before the Storm

Today was a typical day at work for me. I got up at 8, left the house by 8 and took two tubes & a bus to arrive at work by 10. After being the stationary end of a tape measure, my fellow intern Karina and I measured, labeled with the corresponding color tape, coiled back up, and the sorted by color a huge stack of cable. I know, the life of an intern is just so glamorous. This venture lasted until 11:30 and from there until lunch at 1:15 there were various other minor diversions including an unsuccessful attempt by me to take inventory of some lights in one of the spaces. Lunch until 2:30 and then I aided Ed in the main performance space. I plugged in probably about 50 or so lights to make sure they worked and placed the ones that didn't in a separate pile along with another pile for those without barn doors or gel frames. I then restocked the light storage closet with all of those lights. That got me up to about 5 which was when the highlight of my day occurred.

The main performance space aka the Council Chamber is a large, well, chamber with a high ceiling. Dangling from a socket in the ceiling was a red cable. Ed asks me how am with heights and I, of course, say the higher, the better. So I got to climb up a really tall ladder to get to the ladder to the bridge and then onto the bridge to unplug the cable. I was a good 50 feet in the air and I sat there for a minute just enjoying it. Then I came back down. Not exciting by some people's standards but I liked it.

After my daring adventure Ed and I carried a whole bunch of stuff back down to the tech wing (I carried four lights at once, totally Sarah Connor) and I took more stuff apart with a wrench. That is the entirety of my day minus a few tea breaks, or in my case Read-The-Hobbit breaks. I am learning more about lighting, which is extremely useful since I am taking Stage Lighting in the Fall. Hopefully my ability to distinguish a profile from a fresnel will be of use there.

My day will be interrupted tomorrow severely because there is a Tube strike. Yes, the Tube workers of London are striking from tonight until Thursday night. This means I have to take two buses to work and two buses to get from work to class tomorrow. Along with the millions of other people who have to take the bus due to the Tube being out of commission. Oh joy. So glad they decided to strike right in the middle of my work week. Tomorrow should be an interesting day.

Now I leave you by referring to the picture at the top. That is my cat Sam as a pigeon. Anyone who has ever seen Sam should see the resemblance and laugh. I did. I promise to have actual pictures of work soon to adorn my work week entries. Until then, enjoy the fat pigeon.

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